Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Technological Advances

My father used to tell me stories growing up about this collection of comics he had; how one day his mother threw them away b/c they would never be worth anything. As I sit here now, contemplating about my next digital camera purchase, I found myself wondering what I was going to do with the older models. My first thought is to give it my nephew after all; I already have a backup camera. And my nephew is becoming quit the shutterbug himself. Then I found myself questioning….In 20 years how much will this camera be worth? Would it be the vintage camera that all the “older experienced” pros talk about as being the standard of true photographers? Although I know this future is likely it is very hard for me to actually picture in my head (forgive the pun). After all, I am still a child of a generation that I believe is caught in the middle. I grew up with both records, tapes and CDs; beta, VHS, DVD; payphones, cellular phones, and digital phones; no internet to internet revolution. So I think I will keep my “old camera” who knows maybe I will donate it to the Smithsonian in twenty years.

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